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Don't Be a Black Fly, Be a Butterfly

Hajjah Naziha Adil Kabbani

5 May 2010 Singapore

Ladies' Dhikr and Suhbah

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. As-salaamu `alaykum.

(...gaps are due to poor transmission... )

Just you are going to the mosque to worship Allah (swt), like you are going to a little mosque; be happy and say thanks and shukr to Allah (swt) everyday for all, and that Allah (swt) made us from Ummat an-Nabi (s). (lost connection)

and.....he loved to look for a butterfly to see how it is moving on the floor. Allah created them of beautiful colors; from another side you see the same animal like black bees flies. They are very similar to butterflies and you say, "I don't like this black fly around my body. We should not let it touch our water or our food." Why? Both have eight legs and wings, why don't we like them? Because this black fly goes to bad stuff and sits on dirt, but we must be beautiful like a butterfly. You must be like a butterfly and not like a black fly..... Don't make fitna (confusion) or nameema (slander, inventing rumors) ...don't backbite another person. Don't be like a black fly, be like a butterfly, because everyone likes butterflies.

May Allah keep us gathering in love all the time, and not keep us separated from Shaykh Nazim, because we are never going to Jannah with our `amal, but only with his love.

May Allah keep us on the right way, not to be in fitna, and to keep us away from backbiting and bad `amal. May we always be with our Shaykh Nazim, in dunya and akhirah, and keep us on the way of Haqq and away from baatil. Allahuma salli ‘alaa Sayyidina Muhammad (s).

(Hajjah recites du`a.)
